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Showing posts from December, 2022

An ode in prose to baby B | O odă în proză pentru baby B

This post is accompanied by the following video: To me emotional healing comes in many different ways. And I’m not using 'healing' as a fancy word for some abstract concept. I feel my emotional wounds most days. Sometimes I am faced with them in the most banal moments. They are very real to me and actively affect the way I live my life. Which is why I’ve made a conscious choice to heal them. To toss in the bin any preconceived, simplistic notion that emotional healing is some ‘bogus pretentious thing that people with no real problems do’. Not everyone has the privilege and resources to identify their emotional wounds and acquire the tools to address them, yes, that’s very true. But that doesn’t mean that their emotional wounds aren’t there or aren’t worthy of healing. I’m aware of the privileged position I am in for having the context and the resources which allow me to even utter the words ‘emotional healing’.